
Creative Video

Looking for a team to produce your creative project? Want a webseries for social media, a feature film, or just a series of comedy skits to promote your business?

The AMP team has decades of combined experience with entertainment and creative media.

We know what works, and we know how your business can benefit.

As President of Atlanta Media Pros, Samantha’s been the Executive Producer for each and every project that we’ve worked on. This means that she has tons of experience working with clients and understanding their needs. Don’t let her peppy demeanor or puppy dog screensavers fool you. She’s the whip at AMP, making sure your projects meet our high standards.
Sam is our Director in Residence and Lead Project Manager here at Atlanta Media Pros. Having graduated from the prestigious Florida State University College of Motion Picture Arts, he has a strong creative background and a serious intuition for story. Sam’s projects are always sure to cause an emotional reaction in the viewer. Fun fact – his creative process involves post-it notes. So many post-it notes.
Andrew is pursuing a Ph.D. at Georgia State and still manages to create the best video screenplays our clients have ever read. He has a unique talent for working with clients- understanding and intuiting their companies message and tone. He must be psychic.
We poached Colton from a high-profile creative studio whose name we won’t mention. But we promise you’ve heard of them and you would be impressed. His knowledge of high-end tech and cinematic techniques pairs perfectly with his creative instincts and his projects are always executed with immaculate organization and an eye for detail.
With two bachelors degrees and a Masters in Film Production, Molly switches from department to department in order to avoid burnout. Currently enamored with the world of post, she spends most of her time screaming at dailies. She can fix it. We knew she could.

We can assist our clients with a wide-range of creative projects, from social media content, original filmmaking, and creative videos for business audiences.

Eye-catching creativity and narrative content has been shown to increase engagement on social media. We can help you develop your creative idea or simply help you maximize your program’s potential.
AMP’s deep connections in the expanding Atlanta film community means that your original creative short or feature film project will benefit from an experienced and seasoned talent pool.
Most digital marketing seeks to be informative, but some businesses and products benefit from a creative approach–comedy skits, mascot videos, episodic stories, or other such content have been shown to increase brand adoption and engagement.

What’s your idea? AMP can help you bring it to life.

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