
Videos are a fantastic marketing and training tool, particularly when used online. But to be successful you need to ensure that you develop online authority.

Anyone who is an expert in the field in which they work is an authority. But online authority is a little different. It’s a bit like who you know versus what you know. Whether you are aiming to be an online authority via your website or to establish online authority through the videos you post, it is the visitors to your website, the people who engage in your online videos, and perhaps even more importantly, the search engines that decide whether you make the grade as an online authority.

There’s another much quoted saying: Content is king. Increasingly, Google is demanding original authoritative content online. Websites and videos that aren’t authoritative tend to be spammy. But it’s even more important than this. If you develop online authority your websites and videos won’t only rank better, you will also find your target audience will grow. This will, in turn, boost your business and increase your bottom line.

How to Develop Online Authority with Videos

When people look for information on the Internet they want it to be accurate and trustworthy. When they find what they are looking for and begin to trust the source they will return and will often share that information with other people. The secret is to consistently produce content and material (including good videos) that is credible and adds value.

But good content with authority is only the beginning when it comes to videos. When you opt for videos rather than the written word it’s not just what you say but how you say it that counts. Additionally, you need to consider presentation (what you look like), lighting, and the setting.

To gain that all-important credibility on a video you need to be able to engage your audience. You can do this by dressing appropriately and then talking at a pace and pitch that people can hear and understand.

Whether you are aiming to make your own video for online use or go to a professional company, practice generally makes perfect – or will certainly get you closer to perfection. Talk to yourself in the mirror and imagine you are talking to the camera. You might also look around a little as if you are talking to an audience. In fact, people who do presentations or are familiar with public speaking usually find video productions easier to handle. So practice talking to your friends and family.

Relax. Breathe. Smile.

If you aren’t able to do this then you can hire someone to present your message for you.

DIY Versus Professional Video Production

Lots of people make their own videos – often with a little help from their friends. But anyone who is sincere about boosting business with online authority should consider working with a video production specialist or company that is an authority in this field.

Atlanta Video Pros is an Atlanta-based full-service video production business that works with individuals and companies that recognize the importance of investing in the future of their brands, products, and service through the video medium.

Call us and ask how $750 can get you four minutes of content!